Helena VDH.

Nine awesome mental health podcasts 

I love mental health podcasts to help with anxiety, stress, productivity, health or to learn about my brain and all of its never ending, slightly annoying thoughts. If, like most people, you’ve experienced a night of restless sleep or a stomach filled with knots, these podcasts might help you. Having loads of resources at my […]

I was featured on the ABC’s Anxiety Project!

This is a short and sweet one, maybe a little bit of a humblebrag. The ABC recently did a large article on anxiety, asking people all over Australia how they managed their mental health. Out of over 700 responses across the nation, mine was one of only six featured in the article! Yeah, I’m pretty […]

Education in the digital era, are we more engaged or distracted?

What benefits and limitations are involved in using digital media to facilitate learning and engagement? Have a listen to my podcast to find out! Helena’s portfolio · Education in the digital era, are we more engaged or distracted? Ted Talk mentioned in podcast: Do Schools Kill Creativity by Sir Ken Robinson Reflection on the podcasting process […]

The impacts of social media on mental health

Does it help or hinder us? Do mindfulness apps do anything? Is it raising awareness, or just giving us major FOMO? I explore these topics and speak with Psychologist and Founder of My Colourful Mind Movement, Brianna Thomas.