Helena VDH.

Attachment styles, what they are and how they affect your love life

Attachment theory is an area of psychology dating back to the 1950s, characterising how you behave in relationships. Your attachment style isn’t similar to some Myer Briggs personality test that people can call bullshit on. The attachment theory has been studied by psychologists and psychiatrists for 100’s of years. Your style is formed in early childhood with your parents and affects how you relate to partners, people you’re seeing or even friends. If you’ve had some messy relationships, get anxious with partners or when dating, or if you’re afraid of being vulnerable and getting hurt romantically, this blog might help.

Over the past four years, I learned all about attachment styles. Having this awesome knowledge helped me understand my behaviour and the behaviour of my previous partners. It helped me feel a little more compassionate towards myself and a little less angry about failed relationships.

Let’s get stuck in. This is a longer blog, so grab a coffee or a martini, whatever works for you.

The four types of attachment styles

There are four main attachment styles. Secure, anxious, avoidant and anxious-avoidant. Apart from the secure attachment style, the other three attachment styles are insecure. They just present in a different way, with different behaviours and fears. Ultimately, insecure attachment styles struggle with trusting love and managing their emotions in a healthy way in relationships.

Secure attachment style

People with secure attachments are comfortable with intimacy, being vulnerable and setting boundaries. They are able to function healthily in relationships and walk away if their needs are not being met or if they are being treated poorly. They are comfortable with a natural progression of a relationship and don’t fear their partners being a large part of their life.

Securely attached folk probably grew up in a safe household where they were shown love consistently. People with secure attachments often have parents who acted as good role models for them to understand healthy relationships. These types can still have relationship issues, like anyone, but how they relate to their partners is more secure compared to the other three types.

Behaviours of securely attached people:

  • Able to openly discuss their emotions, show and give love
  • They depend on their partner and their partner can depend on them
  • Aren’t afraid of being vulnerable with people in their lives
  • They generally trust their partner and feel safe in relationships

Avoidant attachment style

Ah, the avoidants. They are fiercely independent, uncomfortable with intimacy and are private people. They fear having a partner could limit their freedom, so they build their life in a way that no one can really get in. They are often single for long periods or only get into surface level relationships with people whom they don’t really love. They believe it’s safer this way as they cannot get hurt.

Avoidants feel smothered by “normal” relationship steps, like if you wanted to see them a few times over the weekend or meet their parents after being together for a while. Deep down, avoidants fear losing their independence and being hurt if they let down their walls. If they do meet someone who they truly love, they may still leave or sabotage the relationship. Their behaviours and fears mean they can miss out on the love and connection they truly want, like any normal human. Men are more likely to be avoidant than women.

Behaviours of avoidant attached people:

  • Moments of intimacy followed by silence or ghosting
  • Preference to long distance relationships or hook ups
  • Not talking about their feelings with their partner
  • Not relying or depending on their partners (or people in general)
  • Being very private and withholding intimacy or affection

Anxious attachment style

Anxiously attached people need a lot of reassurance that everything is okay in a relationship. They need to know how their partners feel about them. If they feel unsure about this or don’t know where they stand with someone, they can become clingy. They will begin desperately looking for reassurance, often pushing people away.

Anxiously attached people are very attuned to changes in moods and situations, often believing there is a problem in a relationship when there might not be. This can cause them to lash out or have a large (often unnecessary) emotional reaction, creating a problem that was never there in the first place. A lovely vicious cycle. Anxious folk crave intimacy and closeness. Deep down, they fear being abandoned and they often don’t trust relationships to work out. Women are more likely to have an anxious style.

Behaviours of anxiously attached people:

  • Panicking if they do not hear from a partner after a certain amount of time
  • Staying in unhealthy or toxic relationships
  • Feeling overly anxious in arguments with a need to reestablish closeness quickly
  • Worrying their partners are not as in love with them as they are
  • Fearing their partner is cheating on them and feeling suspicious

Anxious-Avoidant/Disorganised attachment style

Often called the disorganised or fearful-avoidant type, they are a mix of the avoidant style and the anxious style. They crave intimacy but are equally scared when it happens.

Anxious-avoidants avoid intimacy out of fear of its potential to hurt them, whereas avoidants often prefer to be alone. They aren’t so great at sorting through their emotions. Sometimes they can have intense emotional outbursts and other times, they suppress their feelings. They don’t seek help when they need it, even though deep down they actually want it. Anxious-avoidants can also have other mental health problems such as depression, substance abuse or anxiety. They only equate to a very small percentage of the population.

Behaviours of the anxious-avoidant attached people:

  • Low in confidence and don’t express emotions well
  • If they feel rejected, they may cling to their partner then feel trapped once they re-establish closeness
  • Staying in unhealthy relationships
  • They generally don’t trust people
  • Their emotions can be roller coaster like

Some cute couple I don’t know

Taking a test to figure out your type

If you’re still unsure, here is an awesome test you can take. It might be best to do the test, then come back here and continue reading. The test will give you percentages of each attachment style you have. I’ve taken this a couple of times over the past few years and received different results at different times, so your attachment style can certainly change.

How attachments form

All four attachment styles are formed in childhood by parents or caretakers. People with secure attachments, as mentioned earlier, would have had parents who consistently showed up for them, understood their needs and were likely in a healthy relationship acting as role models for the child’s future relationships.

People with one of the three insecure attachment styles may have grown up with parents who were unable to show consistent love or who were not attuned to their child’s emotions and needs. They may have had some messed up stuff happen in their early childhood too. For example, a volatile divorce or marriage, a cheating parent, super strict or abusive parents or parents who never spoke about emotions or showed affection.

Can your style change or are the insecure types doomed?

Your attachment styles can certainly change and evolve with work and awareness. Our attachment type can also change with different partners and at different times in our lives. A secure person can become anxiously attached to an avoidant person. An anxiously attached style can become more secure with a secure partner. A secure person may also display anxious or avoidant behaviours through a low or difficult time in their life.

For transparency (and maybe a little hope if you’re like me), I am anxiously attached, moving towards secure. For even more transparency, you can read about my experience with domestic violence here. This is a big part of the reason I get anxious in relationships. If other people have been through something similar, it could help you understand their attachment style too.

I worked on my attachment style and went to therapy as I knew it was hurting me and my relationships. I didn’t want my current relationship to end the same way my previous relationship did. After a solid few years of hard work, I’d say my communication skills and thought patterns are far better and I understand my needs in a relationship now. Fucking stoked for myself. So if I can do it, you can too.

What do you do if you have an insecure type or are in a relationship with one?

Understanding your attachment style, learning about it and recognising when you’re displaying attachment behaviour is a massive step toward having healthier relationships. Learning this will help your dating life too. You’ll be able to recognise the insecure styles and notice and change your own behaviour. Secure attachment styles are also best for the insecure styles. They are not as triggered by some of our insecure behaviour (if it is communicated in a healthy way and worked on).

Therapy did so much for me. It pulled me out of a dark hole, taught me about myself and truly helped me function in a more healthy way in relationships. If I went to therapy years ago, perhaps my other relationships would have worked out a little better. If you’re not ready to chat your problems away, or can’t afford it (that shit be expensive), I’ve listed loads of free resources at the bottom of this page.

If you’re secure and in a relationship with an insecure type, firstly thanks for sticking around. Learning about their type can help you understand them and be patient. Having this knowledge might also help you feel more compassionate when they’re displaying some attachment behaviours. Again, check out the resources below.

Anxious and avoidant types in a relationship

Have you been in a roller coaster relationship or perhaps know a couple who are always breaking up and getting back together? People who can’t quite seem to figure their shit out? It could be an anxious-avoidant relationship.

These two insecure types are often drawn to each other. They confirm each other’s beliefs and insecurities. This doesn’t mean they don’t genuinely love each other. What it means is they need very different things in a relationship and those things can be the opposite. The anxious type wants intimacy, while the avoidant needs a lot of independence. If the two can recognise this and work on it, communicating thoughtfully and taking in each others needs, they can work towards a more healthy, long lasting and secure relationship. This does take time and energy, but if this is you, all is not lost.

Some other cute couple I don’t know to break up all this text

Something important to remember

When I first started learning about this, I felt down on myself and felt regret about some of my behaviour in my previous relationship. I just wanted to feel ‘normal’ or secure. As I’ve come to learn more about how I am, I started to see the good in some of the anxious parts. I believe my anxious attachment makes me empathetic to a fault. It’s probably half the reason I have this blog, I just want to help people who might feel a bit shit like I have. If you’re anxious like me, you might need a lot of reassurance in a relationship, but you’ll give a hell of a lot too. I’ll also bet you have outstanding emotional intelligence with not only your partner but all your friends. Not so bad, hey?

If you’re avoidant, your ability to be independent and take care of yourself is incredible and often inspiring to other people, especially us anxious folk. This quote in a book I’ve recommended below is something to keep in mind when learning about attachments. You’re welcome!

“Instead of thinking how you can change yourself in order to please your partner, as so many relationship books advise, think: Can this person provide what I need in order to be happy?”

Attached by Adam Levire and Rachel Heller

Awesome free resources


Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
Wired for love by Stan Tatkin
How to have a better break up – Written by yours truly if you’ve recently been through a break up
Can your attachment style change?
How different attachment styles affect relationships
How to identify attachment styles on a first date


The Secure Relationship – If you only follow one, make it this account!
Your Diagnonsense
Matthew Hussey
The Attachment Project
The Holistic Psychologist
Journey to Wellness Psychology
Moving Parts Psychology


Just kidding, I don’t have a fucking clue about TikTok


What is your attachment style
Why anxious and avoidant partners find it hard to split up
How to deal with an Avoidant Partner
Alan Robage’s whole channel


Attachment theory by Girls Gotta Eat
Call it Daddy Issues, all about attachment theory by Life Uncut
Attachment styles and how they affect your relationship by Jay Shetty

My gosh that was long, this even helped me, so I hope it helped you!
Yours in love and healthy relationships,

Helena x